Title: Women's All-Star XVs Program Manager - Rocky Mountain Rugby Location: Remote within the greater Rocky Mountain Rugby region Reports to: Women’s Club Executive Director; Women’s College Executive Director Compensation: N/A; this is a volunteer position Summary Rocky Mountain Rugby is seeking an administrator to serve in the role of Women’s All-Star XVs Program Manager. This position will be responsible for the launch and annual operation of an all-star team, including direct management of program costs, logistics, and personnel. The program is expected to participate in at least one match or event locally each year, as well as travel to an event hosted by another union. This position is unpaid but personal expenses related to the role may be approved with advance notice by the associated budget manager(s). Essential Duties and Responsibilities The Women’s All-Star XVs Program Manager for Rocky Mountain Rugby will be expected to:
Key Working Relationships The Women’s All-Star XVs Program Manager is expected to have key working relationships with the Women’s Club Executive Director, the Women’s College Executive Director, and other all-star program managers. It is additionally expected that the manager regularly work with the coaches, officers, administrators, and players affiliated with the women’s clubs and programs in Rocky Mountain Rugby. Travel The Women’s All-Star XVs Program Manager will be expected to travel to combines and clinics they arrange for the program within the region at their own expense. Travel to/from individual matches and events outside the region will be also be expected, but expenses associated with such travel may be approved with advance notice by the associated budget manager(s). Application Process Interested candidates may apply by emailing [email protected] with the header 'Women’s All-Star XVs Program Manager' in the title line. It is requested that you include a resume (rugby, professional, or both) along with a brief statement explaining your interest in the role. This position will remain open until a qualified candidate has been selected. Start/End Date(s) This position will start immediately upon fulfillment. The role is expected to be fulfilled by December 11, 2020. This position will be re-evaluated for appointment each summer after the conclusion of the summer all-star participation window(s).
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