Submit a Match Incident
Per USA Rugby's Disciplinary Procedures, incidents must be filed and adjudicated on in a prompt manner. The Rocky Mountain Match Incident Report Form is the only proper notice for reporting any matters considered under World Rugby Regulations 17 and 18. Tardy reports and citations may be reviewed under the discretion of the RMR President, who may refer a tardy report or citation to the Disciplinary Committee. Failure to report an incident in a timely manner may either result in disciplinary action against the party who failed to properly report or non-review of an alleged citation.
"5.6 Initial Review and Written Decision for All Matters Considered Under WR Regulations 17 and 18. For all matches in which Red Card or its equivalent is given or result, the Local DC or Qualified JO with initial jurisdiction shall adjudicate the subject player’s conduct within 4 days of the conclusion of the match, or no later than two days after receiving proper notice, and follow the provisions of WR Regulations 17 and 18 to determine if and how to impose further sanctions under WR Regulation 17 Appendix 1. A written decision issued by the Local DC or the Qualified JO shall be promptly issued to all involved, and copies sent to the player’s Local Organizing Body, the USAR DC, and the Referee Department of USAR. A suggested form of decision is attached as Schedule 3."
"5.6 Initial Review and Written Decision for All Matters Considered Under WR Regulations 17 and 18. For all matches in which Red Card or its equivalent is given or result, the Local DC or Qualified JO with initial jurisdiction shall adjudicate the subject player’s conduct within 4 days of the conclusion of the match, or no later than two days after receiving proper notice, and follow the provisions of WR Regulations 17 and 18 to determine if and how to impose further sanctions under WR Regulation 17 Appendix 1. A written decision issued by the Local DC or the Qualified JO shall be promptly issued to all involved, and copies sent to the player’s Local Organizing Body, the USAR DC, and the Referee Department of USAR. A suggested form of decision is attached as Schedule 3."